Pisgor Keju Warung Daweung

Throwback June 6th again. From Ciwidey, we went to Bukit Moko, at eastern part of Bandung. Bukit Moko is the highest point in Bandung, and it has very beautiful night view. I have seen several Bandung night view from different spots and I can say that Bukit Moko is the best in Bandung! Up there, there is one cafe called Warung Daweung. I wasn’t really hungry so I just ordered this pisgor a.k.a pisang goreng (fried banana), served with mix of sugar and palm sugar, plus keju (cheese). It was the most delicious pisang goreng I’ve ever tried. No, I don’t exaggerate. Even I ordered one more because one portion is not enough, haha. Previously, my friend said that this menu was called pisang goreng berpasir (fried banana with “sand”). Yeah, the texture of sugar and palm sugar are really similar to sand. 😀

Cireng Cipaganti

This was other food I ordered in The Kiosk beside soto ayamCireng derived from the Sundanese language means aci goreng or fried aci. So it is named cireng because the main ingredient is aci  (starch) mixed with flour, water, and seasonings. The snack is chewy and delicious. Although very  simple, the snack is preferred by many people. As time goes by, the Sundanese snack is getting more developed. Some people add filling to cireng. There are some flavor such chicken, beef, sausage, meatballs, etc. Cireng Cipaganti is the first one who made cireng with filling, they said.

Lompong Sagu

Lompong sagu, another food I tried in Pesisir Selatan. Lompong sagu is mainly made from sago, banana, and palm sugar, and also wrapped in banana leaves and grilled on hot charcoal. It’s sweet and really delicious. It’s my first time trying lompong sagu and one wasn’t enough that day, haha. It’s more deliocious when it’s still hot.

Palai Bada

Hi, long time no update. Actually I had several food photos but I was too lazy to post them, hehe. Let’s start updating this blog again. On April 13th, my family and I went to my father’s hometown in Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan. We spent one night in my grandmother’s house and then we had short trip to Pantai Carocok and Bukit Langkisau. On the way to Pantai Carocok, we stopped at a stall that sold traditional foods from Pesisir Selatan. Anyway, this is palai bada. Palai bada is made from a kind of ikan teri (anchovy), coconut, and traditional seasoning. It is wrapped in banana leaves and then is grilled on hot charcoal. It’s really tasty.

Lapek Jaguang

Lapek jaguang in Minangkabau language or lepet jagung ini bahasa Indonesia, is an Indonesian traditional snack made from corn (jaguang, jagung = corn). I searched on the Internet and I found that this snack is usually wrapped in corn husks, but this one used banana leaves. I think because in West Sumatra people don’t usually save the corn husk, just throw them away directly. 😛

Jagung Rebus

Saya suka banget jagung rebus, kalo ke Bukittinggi sering beli buat dibawa pulang. Jagung rebus Bukittinggi manis dan enak. Dulu waktu awal-awal merantau ke Bandung saya liat ada yang jual jagung rebus juga, trus saya coba beli deh. Dalam bayangan saya rasanya bakal sama dengan yang di Bukittinggi, tapi ternyata beda, heuu. Jagung yang versi Bandung rada hambar dan kulitnya tebel pisan, susah bukanya. Yang di Bukittinggi kulitnya udah dibukain beberapa lapis sebelum direbus, jadi lebih tipis n gampang bukanya. Sejak itu saya kapok beli jagung rebus di Bandung. Cukup beli yang di Bukittinggi aja deh, haha.


Jajanan pasar ini dinamakan tumbang. Tumbang-tumbang di taman *eh* Saya tanya mama katanya terbuat dari ubi dan tepung ketan. Rasanya manis dan enak berkat taburan kelapa juga 😀

Lontong Gulai Paku

Abis marathon jalan kaki keliling kampung pagi-pagi, lalu nemu ada warung lontong n pecel, akhirnya kami singgah dulu buat sarapan. Hoho. Buat saya, gulai paku emang paling mantep lah buat temennya lontong dibanding rebung ataupun labu siam 😀

Martabak Mesir

Ini seporsi martabak mesir dari 21 bungkus yang dibeli, hehehe. Berhubung keluarga besar ngumpul semua, jadilah mpe borong sebanyak itu, mpe penjualnya bengong. Heran kali dia ga salah ini cewe berdua (saya dan Fani) belinya 21 bungkus :p


Ini bakwan biasa aja sih. Cuma kalau di sini bakwan itu pas ngegorengnya dicetak pake sendok sayur gitu sehingga bentuknya lebih rapi. Trus sambelnya (atau kuah?) cair gitu..