Yesterday I went to Bukittinggi and ate nasi kapau at Los Lambuang, Pasar Lereng. Los Lambuang (lambuang, lambung = stomach) is an area where you can find many nasi kapau and katupek pical stalls. Nasi kapau is the cuisine of the Minangkabau people, specifically from Kapau, Bukittinggi. The serving style is, after the customer is seated, he or she is asked which dishes they desire. The chosen dishes will be put directly upon the steamed rice or in separate small plates. You only need to ask at least one dish, then you will obtain that dish and other additional dishes such as sayur gulai (vegetable curry), sambal, etc. This time I chose gulai tambunsu. Tambunsu is typical food of Kapau made from beef intestines filled with egg mixture. It’s really delicious. Recommended. 😀
Yesterday I was really tired even I slept away after Maghrib prayer. I woke up around midnight and I was really hungry. I didn’t have any rice in my rice cooker, and also no instant noodle. I decided to make pasta with a simple sauce. So I made the egg in purgatory, which is egg cooked in a tomato sauce.
You can find the recipe here. (I use linguine instead of bread)
Jadi tadi browsing-browsing youtube dan nemu video ini. Jadi terinspirasi deh buat makanan siang ini :p Berhubung ga punya green peas-nya dan malas keluar beli, jadi pake bahan seadanya saja, huehe.
Lama dinanti *ajieee* akhirnya acara Survival Cooking ada lagi, hoho. Survival Cooking yang pertama dan kedua dulu diadakan bulan Juni, tahun ini baru bisa terlaksana bulan Desember. Kali ini menunya tofu hamburg, gyoza, salad, dan crepes. Crepes sebenarnya dulu juga pernah diajarin di Survival Cooking I, trus kali ini biar beda si crepesnya ditumpuk sehingga jadi mille crepes cake 😀
Wih dah hampir 2 minggu ga update posterous. Jadi beberapa hari lalu saya beli beberapa macam sayuran. Niatnya mau ditumis campur aja semua, tapi ternyata sayurnya kebanyakan. Akhirnya si bayam ga saya masak. Keinget deh dulu sempat pingin coba bikin nasi hijau tapi belum kesampean, hehe. Dicoba deh hari ini. Bahannya cuma beras, santan, garam, sari bayam (bayam diblender sama air sedikit lalu disaring), daun salam, dan serai. Banyak bayamnya saya kira-kira aja mpe dirasa warna hijaunya pas. Tadinya saya mau masak di wajan gitu, tapi berhubung males akhirnya di rice cooker aja. Sesekali diaduk biar warnanya rata. Sebagai pelengkap saya bikin telor dadar bayam (ceritanya bayamnya nyisa) sama ayam rebus yang saya panggang sebentar, huehe.