Throwback July 24th again. What can you do with papaya? This is one alternative and I like it. Papaya has many different names in Indonesia, even Minangkabau people has several names for it. In my hometown, papaya is called kalikih. So kalikih santan is papaya served with santan (coconut milk). During Ramadhan, it’s usually served for breaking the fast. I found UHT coconut milk here, so it’s easier to make it. Since the coconut milk was too thick, I added some hot water into it. I also added a pinch of salt because I like it a little bit salty. Then pour the coconut milk to papaya. For the papaya, you can cut it into bite size pieces, or just scoop it with spoon. You can add ice if you like it cold. 😀
Throwback July 24th. That day I really wanted to eat papaya (in Indonesia we called it pepaya). The main reason was because it’s really good for the digestive system. 😆 Here is Indonesia, the paradise of tropical fruits. The fruits are really cheap here, not like in Japan, haha. Papaya is only about IDR7,000/kg here.
This fruit reminds me of my childhood. I often bought them when I was in elementary school. In West Sumatra we call them kalimuntiang. I even don’t know what they’re called in bahasa Indonesia. I can only find them in West Sumatra though. My mom said that they could be found in the forest on the hills. I think I can say that they are the “forest fruit” of West Sumatra. 😛 Some friends said that they look like mini manggis (purple mangosteen). But in my opinion, they more like blueberry. However blueberry is sweeter than kalimuntiang.
Hicha from Kobe stayed in my apartment during her trip to Tokyo. Yesterday was her last day in Tokyo. I couldn’t accompany her yesterday since I had trip with another friends. Even I left my apartment before Hicha went out, hehe. She backed to Kobe from Shinjuku by bus on 10.20 pm, and since I arrived at Shinjuku on 9 pm, I decided to meet her. The first question she asked: “is there any restaurant around here?” Haha. Then I brought her to Siddique Shinjuku. She ordered tandoori chicken and rice. Since I’was still full after having dinner at Yumean, I only ordered this dessert. I don’t know the ingredients of this dessert, even I can’t find it on Google, haha. I guess it contained mango, cream, and sugar. I like mango but this dessert taste was too sweet for me.
It has been a long time I wanted to try this recipe, and finally I did it today. Well, apple and cinnamon are a nice combination. 😀
You can find the recipe here.
Beberapa waktu lalu nemu beberapa resep dessert yang gampang. Ini yang pertama kali dibikin. Clafoutis pada dasarnya adalah buah segar yang disirami adonan kental lalu dipanggang. Buahnya asalnya cherry atau aneka berry, tapi berhubung buah tersebut itu mahal mari pake buah tropis kalengan saja, haghag. Rasanya kayak puding buah panggang 😆
Link resep: ada di sini. (saya skip es krim dan raspberry sauce-nya :p)
a.k.a buah tin atau ara. Saya baru tau beberapa waktu lalu kalau buah yang namanya jadi nama surat di Al-Qur’an itu penampakannya kayak gini. Kemarin coba beli deh. Trus bingung cara makannya gimana, akhirnya saya ambil pisau lalu dibelah buahnya. Pas ngebelah saya sempat kaget, kirain ada ulatnya. Ternyata cuma penampakan tekstur daging buahnya -_-” Coba makan, hmmm, menurut saya rasanya aneh. Ntah sih, saya pribadi kurang suka sama rasanya. Ntah kebetulan dapat buah yang kurang bagus, ntah pengaruh getahnya. Soalnya setelah beberapa waktu saya baru ngeh kalo dari pinggiran kulitnya itu ada getahnya. Tapi gugling yutub gimana cara makannya, ada yang makan sama kulit-kulitnya. Auh ah, binun. Cukup sekali ini aja saya coba buahnya 😐
Ini makanan di acara halal bihalal bersama di SRIT. Luar biasa emang acara ibu-ibu, makanannya super duper buanyak, ahaha.. Ini juga kelewatan sih banyaknya dan jenisnya, mpe ga cukup lambung buat nyicipin semua jenis, fufufu.