I still go on with a simple cooking. I think salmon is the easiest fish to process yet very delicious. I often cook salmon, but what else I can do with it? I need something different, hehe. Then this sambal dabu-dabu, a sambal from Manado, came to my mind. It’s really simple. I used chili, tomato, onion, lemon juice, salt, and sugar, then finally put a lil bit of hot oil into the mixture. Spicy, sour, and fresh sambal. 😀 And for the salmons, I just marinated them with salt and pepper, and sauté them for a few minutes.
Julia Child began learning to cook because she loved her husband, and she loved food, and she didn’t know what else to do with herself. And, in the process, she found joy. I didn’t understand this for a long time, but I do now.
— Julie Powell at
Julie & Julia (2009)
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oh jadi ternyata dabu-dabu mirip sama simple salsa (w/ fresh tomato) yah? baru tauuu 😀 seru nih ahaha
Iya ya ternyata, hahaha. Mungkin yg bikin beda jenis cabenya kali ya. Di Indonesia pake cabe keriting dan cabe rawit, salsa pake jalapeno :p Trus si sambal dabu2 ini mestinya pake bawang merah, tp krn aku ga punya, diganti bawang bombay aja tadi :))
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