Finally I had chance to make this red velvet thingy. It’s been looong time I want to try making red velvet cake, but this time I made the cupcakes version. I’ll make the cake version later. 😛 Today we had PPI Waseda gathering at TIEC Odaiba, and I think that’s a nice timing to try making this cake and bring them to the gathering. I planned to make the cupcakes early in the morning, but in fact I overslept, haha. I started preparing the ingredients and everything around 10 am. My oven is quite small, so I should bake the cupcakes in 2 batches. Rush, rush, rush, and in the end, the shape was not as I expected, haha. I finished around 12 pm, and therefore late to the gathering, hihi. I like the taste of this cake. At least I got this comment from Amil: the cake was soft and not too sweet, with sweet and sour taste from the cream cheese frosting, they produced a really nice combination. 😀
You can find the recipe here. (I substitute vinegar with lemon juice)
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